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Jennifer Lopez Lyrics

I've Been Thinkin' Lyrics

All I need is a place to be and a way to feel
A space to figure out where I belong
A chance to know my thoughts and find a way to show
What I feel and if this is real

Don't wanna disappoint you, don't wanna let you down
Cuz that's the last thing I want to do
I'm asking for your patience
I realize I could lose you
But lately i've been so confused

I've been thinkin, you've been on my mind
So I've been praying, to find a way that I
To be sure, the way that you've been showing me
Don't you, want that for me

Wondering endlessly if this is right or wrong
Or if it's just about me all along
All I need is time to search within my soul
So I can share a deeper part of me

Don't wanna disappoint you, don't want to let you down
Cuz that's the last thing I want to do
I'm asking for your patience
I realize I could lose you
But lately I've been so confused


Baby, what's meant to be would surely be
If you loved me baby you would understand
But I can't give you anything
I don't have myself to give and it's killing me inside

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